New Monks Farm A27 Works

The project

In November 2024, we completed the road junction configuration on the A27 in Shoreham, West Sussex to provide safe access into the New Monks Park development site, Brighton City Airport and other local facilities. The control of the road has now been returned to National Highways.

The project involved the construction of a new four-way roundabout with traffic management signals, including a new northbound exit slip road to Coombes Road, and associated hard and soft landscaping. Enhanced pedestrian and cycling routes have also been delivered as part of the scheme.

The New Monks Park Development is a mixed-use development comprising 600 new houses to be built by Cala Homes, a new country park, a new school and 32,900 square meters of retail space.

The residents of the West Sussex County Council owned Withy Patch Gypsies’ and Travellers’ site, which was in the path of the new through-road, were moved to a new location before the end of 2020.

Planning was consented under AWDM/1906/20 (Adur & Worthing Councils).

About us

Mott Macdonald was the project manager for the developer, The Community Stadium Ltd. More information about us can be found at